Great question.
Usually people keeps on blogging to record their personal lives.
You can see some blogs that are just about their babies and they make compilations of pictures of how fast they grow.
It's more like a journal for most people but a whole lot easier.
Other people likes to write down their experiences in their journal and others like to type it and publish it on the internet.
Sometimes because they know that even if they are just talking about themselves, they may even earn a little from it.
And this is where the next type of bloggers come.
The other reason why do people keep on blogging is because they make it a living.
Yes, that's right, you can literally live off by just blogging a lot of things specially when you are targeting a specific niche or simply put a topic.
Examples of niches are health and beauty, gadgets and technology, gardening, dog grooming and things like that.
Once you have established a good blog specially if it is for a targeted traffic and you start attracting lots of visitors to it, you many now apply for Google Adsense or any other online advertising company that you would like.
So whenever someone goes to your blog to read the information that you have written there, they will see the ads.
And when they like the ads and they click on them, you earn a little just from that.
Simple enough with this simple explanation on why do people keep on blogging?
Well it is.
But don't think that you can start off of it easily and make a living for yourself just by blogging quickly.
It takes time for you to build lots of information and traffic of visitors that goes to your site and see the contents that you put in it.
But don't get discouraged also if you plan on doing this.
I just want you to know that so that you won't become one of those people who switched to blogging and thought of making lots of income from it over a week.
You see, blogging can be a lot more fun since you can just simply write anything you have in mind.
Just be creative. Share to other people what you know and what you want them to discover that only you know. Don't think of it as a job. Think of it as a hobby.
And one day who knows, you could also be making tons of money from it already.
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