How To Apply For A BPI Easy Saver Savings Account
When Easy Saver Saving's Account is not yet available, the normal price for you to open an account with BPI is 500 and you'll have a maintaining balance of 3000 pesos. If you do not have 3000 pesos in your account within 30 days, you will lose part of your money like 200 pesos or so.
How much does it cost to open a BPI Easy Saver Saving's Account?
In total it costs 250 pesos.
200 for the initial deposit and 50 pesos for your ATM card.
It functions the same way as the original account savings that they have.
What's the difference between a BPI Easy Saver Saving's Account and a non Easy Saver Saving's account?
Well to sum up their differences, with Easy Saver Savings account, there's always a 5 pesos fee when you withdraw from ATM and 100 pesos charge if you withdraw your money over the counter.
That's it!
BPI Easy Saver Savings Account Review
In comparison with the original savings account that you can apply for with BPI, Easy Saver Saving's account is really convenient especially for those who only need to open account for receiving remittance from their online income. There's a 5 pesos fee each time you withdraw on their ATM and 12 to 15 pesos on other ATM banks. So in comparison with BPI savings account with a 3000 pesos maintaining balance, Easy Saver is not really for those who are investing a lot of their money in that account but just for those starting out to receive payments online.
Can we link BPI Easy Saver Savings Account with our Paypal Account?
How much is the remittance fee for transferring money from Paypal to our bank account?
So far I've only tried this on BPI and on RCBC My Wallet Visa Card.
It costs 50 pesos if you withdraw money below 7000 pesos from your Paypal Account to your Bank Account.
Then your bank will charge you 200 pesos from the amount you sent from Paypal as payment for the remittance.
So in total, you'd be paying 250 pesos if you send money from Paypal to your bank account.
Is it cheaper than RCBC My Wallet VISA Card?
Okay, we're getting a little bit off-topic here but what the heck.
Compared to sending money from Paypal to RCBC Wy Wallet? It's practically the same.
Because RCBC won't charge you any remittance when you send money to it from your Paypal account BUT Paypal will charge you 250 pesos instead of 50 pesos whether you're withdrawing more than 7000 pesos or not.
Also, for an added reference
I'm writing this article from my personal experience so just an added reference for those who are looking for a working BPI bank code that they can link to their Paypal account, let me just share you the one I used.
I used 010040018. I got this from and made a leap of faith on trusting them because of other rumors with bank codes not working. Fortunately, it works.
Well there you go. I hope this can help those of you who are new with this banking. And by the way, you can check your account status online if you enroll with BPI which makes it really cool!
For any questions or comments, please feel free to post here on the comment section below and I'd be delighted to get back to you or help you in anyway that I can.
Cheers people!